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Tower of Fantasy Rock Pillar Gobby mini boss locations in Vera region

Discover all the mini-bosses

Rock Pillar Gobby is the northern part of the Vera region that is added with the Tower of Fantasy 2.0 update. As usual, there is some list of targets or mini bosses that the players need to clear to do their achievement hunt as well as exploration progress and in this article, we have pointed out the locations of the mini bosses in Tower of Fantasy.

Location of all mini-bosses of Rock Pillar Gobby in Tower of Fantasy

In the vicinity of Vera’s RockPillar Gabby, there are nine mini-bosses. Every mini boss in this area has a precise location, which we are giving you.

1. Blast Rock Fafnir

  • Coordinates: (583.9, -194.1)

Blast Rock Fafnir, the first mini-boss, is located to the south of the Karst Cave. The above plains make it simple for players to locate it. Prepare your unique weapons and get ready to fight this enormous monster.

2. Carrandi

tower of fantasy carrandi
Image via Level Infinite
  • Coordinates: (236.6, -1085.4)

On the left of the Magma Lair is where the next mini-boss, Carrandi, may be discovered. In addition to this mini-boss, you can encounter two adversaries. Therefore, take out its collaborator before destroying Carrandi.

3. Desertborn Loke

  • Coordinates: (701.3, -528.9)

Players must descend to the specified depth and engage in combat with the Desertborn Loke in order to defeat this mini-boss, which spawns south of Evil’s Clutch Oasis.

4. Desertrunner Gundis

tower of fantasy dessert runner gundis
Image via Level Infinite
  • Coordinates: (226.8, -469.1)

South of Saltwater Oasis is where you may find the Desertrunner Gundis. To find this monster, players must either fly or climb all the way to the top of the Desert mountain.

5. Forestborn Wes

  • Coordinates: (845.4, -746.8)

In the vicinity of Evil’s Clutch Oasis, there are several Forestborn Wes. You may easily locate this turtle-like foe by using the aforementioned coordinates.

6. Ironclad Sangrevis

tower of fantasy ironclad sanglavis
Image via Level Infinite
  • Coordinates: (227,9 -787.2)

In the Saltwater Oasis, one may find the Ironclad Sangrevis. You only need to move through this section to see this monster in the wide space.

7. Raging Horn Sergey

  • Coordinates: (946.3, -729.2)

Infernal Horn The mini-boss Sergey is to the east of Saltwater Oasis and is a little challenging to defeat; you must fight alongside his powerful allies.

8. Shubert

  • Coordinates: (309.7, -690.9)

You must bring your finest tools and abilities to battle Shubert, a mini-boss that also spawns in the Saltwater Oasis location. For precise location, use the aforementioned coordinates.

9. Sierra Alps

tower of fantasy sierra alps
Image via Level Infinite
  • Coordinates: (704.0, -527.7)

RockPillar Gabby’s final mini-boss is located halfway between the Karst Cave and the Evil’s Clutch Oasis. Just plunge deep into this area to defeat this monster, players.

If you are done cleaning all these targets in Rock Pillar Gobby, check out the list for Quicksand Belt for some more achievements.

Hopefully, you could find all the mini-bosses of Rock Pillar Gobby in Tower of Fantasy. Comment your thoughts below!

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