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Argent Twilight tier list for picking the best character

Your guide for finding the best!

Earlier last year, Nexon announced their new game, Argent Twilight which was instantly dubbed as the Genshin rival. Argent Twilight is Nexon’s newest tactical action adventure RPG that is quickly gaining momentum in the industry because of its storyline and the vast collection of characters. And to progress efficiently, players will need to know who are the best characters in Argent Twilight. In this article we’ll rank all the best and most powerful characters in Argent Twilight so that the players get the best out of this game.

Argent Twilight. Argent Twilight characters
Image via Nexon

Although there are a lot of characters in the game and some of them are overpowered, almost every character performs when needed irrespective of the game mode.

The 3D gameplay, backed by the immersive, unique anime based characters and exciting storyline, Argent Twilight is definitely the competition to Genshin Impact. The game features various modes like raids, PvP battles, dungeons and special events which will give players rewards for performing well.

Argent Twilight character tier list

Overpowered (S-tier)Very good (A-tier)Average (B-tier)Below Average (C-tier)
Pompous Woonye
Callous Djur
Honest Djur
Brave Djur
Hardy Djur
Reckless Djur
Snobby Alcy
Callous Alcy
Pure Aseha
 Sweet Aseha
 Lax Alcy
Serious Alcy
Cryptic Alcy
Brave Aseha 
Hostile Jacques
Jolly Celestial 
Smart Celestial
 Impish Celestial
Impish Cleo
Zealous Cleo
Lonely Cleo
Brave Einid
Touchy Einid
Lax Einid
Aloof Jacques
Zealous Para
Wise Para
Curious Para
Bold Shulo
Callous Shulo
Honest Shulo
Lax Woonye

Argent Twilight tier list discussion about the best characters

All the characters in Argent Twilight possess a strong element for themselves which can be water, wind, fire, light or dark. Pompous Woonye is a fire elemental hero who is considered as an attacker. She is considered as an S-tier hero because he can deal lethal damage and inflict lasting injuries on enemies. Her ability to ignore 25% of enemies’ defense makes her a nightmare for the opponents.

Simultaneously, Callous Djur is a water elemental hero who plays as the support, his ability to heal himself from enemy attacks makes him difficult to defeat and he also provides resistance to all his allies.

Argent Twilight tier list
Image via Nexon

Pure Aseha is a perfect fit for the A-tier as she is a wind elemental attacker who can increase her attack and HP every-time she receives damage from enemies, her ability Malignant sword heavy wind elemental damage to enemies and if she uses this when one of her ally is dead she transforms into new form with new abilities.

Additionally, Brave Aseha is a fire elemental controller who can transform under conditions, in her passive state she attacks enemies in a specific range and inflicts burn debuff on them. Her ultimate ability, Spatial sword allows her to attack all enemies in her vicinity while applying a defense debuff on them. 

What are your thoughts on Argent Twilight character tier list? Let us know in the comments section!

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